25 Things I want to accomplish in 2018 & 2019

5/25 Rule

  1. Write down 25 things you want to accomplish in the next year.
  2. Select to top 5 most important.
  3. Ignore the other 20 at all costs.

Focus is a major key to success.

MY 5

  1. YouTube Channel Growth – will enble me to bring awareness to other projects I want support on.
  2. Interview other people.
  3. Distill information advice other people have shared.
  4. Document my journey.
  5. Better Health – will give me more stamina, resilence & longevity.
  6. Walk 1 mile daily.
  7. React.js – is a popular framework & will enable me to learn React Native.
  8. Flask back-end framework for personal projects.
  9. A rewarding romantic relationship.

25 Things

  1. YouTube channel growth.
  2. ~Instagram account growth.~
  3. Better Health.
  4. Better at React.js
  5. ~Better at Vue.js~
  6. ~Better at Angular.js~
  7. ~Better at Design & illustraction.~
  8. ~Better at User Experience (UX)..~
  9. ~Get contributors for Spak Media Repos.~
  10. growth.~
  11. ~Twitter account growth.~
  12. ~Reselling – will improve my sales, sourcing & negotiating skills while earning some extra money.~
  13. ~Coach Jr/Newbie Programmers.~
  14. ~Better at Django.~
  15. ~Better at RoR.~
  16. ~Learn Larevel.~
  17. ~Make a podcast.~
  18. ~Travel the world.~
  19. ~Learn a new language.~
  20. ~Create more online courses.~
  21. ~Better at computer science.~
  22. growth.~
  23. ~Learn Reselling~
  24. ~Market #301DaysOfCode.~